Santa Barbara Permaculture Network presents:

 Growing Nourishing & Just Relationships with Permaculture
Talk & Book Signing with Starhawk

Sunday, October 2, 7-9pm, 2016
Admission - $10/$5 students

Location: Santa Barbara City College Fe Bland Auditorium/BC Forum
 SBCC West Campus, 800 Block Cliff Drive

Small groups of like-minded people can revitalize a town, plan our transition to a new, locally-focused economy and technology, and change the world. They can be exciting, nurturing, empowering places to be. And they can also founder on the rocks of conflict and poor communication.

Patrick Whitefield called permaculture "The art of designing beneficial relationships".  In this evening talk, Starhawk ( )  explores how permaculture principles and ethics­--along with insights from her many decades of experience in small groups of many kinds­--can help us navigate conflict, communicate more clearly, and create empowering groups and effective organizations.

With earlier books exploring earth-based spirituality, Starhawk later merged with permaculture, and began teaching Earth Activist Trainings in Northern California with permaculture teacher Penny Livingston and others.  In this way she brought a valuable contribution to permaculture---which values observation of nature before design above all things---by demonstrating how ritual, around the cycles and rhythms of the earth, can help hone our observation skills.

Starhawk is the author of 13 books, including, Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature;  The Empowerment Manual: A Guide for Collaborative Groups, and her latest novel, City of Refuge. A leading voice in the earth-based spirituality movement for many years, she is a permaculture designer and teacher and directs Earth Activist Training, teaching ecological design grounded in spirit and with a focus on organizing, activism and social permaculture.

The event takes place on Sunday, October 2, 2016, 7- 9pm, at the Santa Barbara City College Fe Bland Auditorium/BC Forum, SBCC West Campus, 800 Block Cliff Drive, 93109. Books will be available for purchase & signing by the author.  Admission $10 general/$5 students.  No reservations required. For more info contact 805-962-2571 .  See below for upcoming workshop intensive with Starhawk & Pandora Thomas. 


SBCC Campus Map: (parking available on West Campus after 6pm)

Event Co-Sponsors:
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network, Quail Springs Permaculture, SBCC Environmental Horticulture Dept/Permaculture Design Course

More Info:

A short video of Starhawk talking about her upcoming Social Permaculture Course at Quail Springs!

SOCIAL PERMACULTURE INTENSIVE at Quail Springs Permaculture (near Ojai, CA)
with Pandora Thomas & Starhawk
SEPT. 28 – OCT. 2, 2016

Quail Springs Permaculture:
How can permaculture principles bring people together to co-create and empower one another to transform patterns of unjust power into healing, nurturing and inspirational collaborative experiences?

Starhawk's New Fiction Book:
"City of Refuge.The Sequel to The Fifth Sacred Thing City of Refuge" follows the struggles, the sacrifices, and the victories of the peaceful warriors from Califa as they endeavor to construct a haven in the parched and war-torn South lands. Can magic, healing and love overcome the violence of a cruel and despotic regime?
