Special preview of the Santa Barbara County Conservation Blueprint

April 18th, 6:30 pm, Santa Barbara Library, 40 East Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
April 19th, 6:30 pm, Santa Maria Library, 421 S. McClelland Street, Santa Maria, CA 93454

Come learn about this new resource for creating a landscape of opportunity in Santa Barbara County

Santa Barbara County is a special place with unmatched scenery, abundant recreation opportunities, an incredible diversity of plants and animals, and productive agricultural lands – all of which contribute to our economy and quality of life. County residents and landowners have been good stewards of these resources with a long history of effective land management, and conservation. Yet with increasing population pressure on scarce natural resources, along with the new realities of climate change, we need tools to better understand our landscape and to think together about how to address these pressures in a way that creates a more resilient and adaptable future for us all.

The purpose of the Blueprint is to provide a public data platform and common language to support in depth conversations and decisions about our shared aspirations. Technical and community input over the last 18 months have led to the online spatial mapping ‘Atlas' and the Conservation Blueprint report that will be previewed at this event. It is our hope that, with your engagement and support, the Blueprint will offer a new avenue for better understanding our current condition and creating a landscape of opportunity for generations to come. 

At this special public forum you will:

Each meeting will run from 6:30 to 8:45 PM.

An optional hands on introduction to the Blueprint "Atlas" is offered immediately after the meeting. Here you can learn more about the tool, how it is being customized for community needs, and how it can be used to support a better future for all County residents. Bring a laptop or tablet to participate.

SPACE IS LIMITED! Please register for one of the two evenings:

If you can't make it to one of these events but are interested in providing input, the Blueprint public survey will be live through April, and we welcome you to contact us to discuss the project at any time.

We look forward to sharing the Conservation Blueprint with you, and encourage you to share this invitation with others who might like to participate!