Hi Everyone -


We have a long time friend who has had a landscape business for many years, been doing enlightened sustainable “permaculture” type designs way before we even knew the word -


She is currently in need of temporary housing, as the property she lives on and cares for in Montecito is in the mudslide zone, and without power & heat!


She suffers from migraines (has one now) so can’t go to shelters with lots of other people.  The migraines she experiences make her nauseated,  needs a private bathroom.


She needs a  warm private space for a couple of days for herself and well behaved dog until the power gets restored,  does anyone have any ideas, something to offer?


Just reply to this email if you have any suggestions -


Thanks!  Margie Bushman & Wes Roe



Santa Babara Permaculture Network Logo 
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190

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