Fall Harvest Educational Program - Volunteering at Trinity Gardens

Trinity Gardens is looking for help to facilitate garden education field trips
for young children on weekdays, October 8th through 26th, mornings
and some early afternoons.  Small groups of 8-12 young children rotate
to three or four specially set up activity stations themed on seeds, pumpkins,
fresh produce and caring about earth. Two adults--a station leader and
an assistant--oversee each activity station.  Please contact field trip program
coordinator Judy Sims, 805-637-3201, judygardens@gmail.com, if interested
in volunteering. Trinity Gardens will also be conducting interviews for a field trip
program coordinator part time paid position.

May you be free from hate.
May you be free from fear.
May you be free from ignorance.
May all beings be safe and protected.

-Jack Kornfield