From a friend's aunt:
It saddens me to have to re-home our beautiful Indian runner ducks. If you or anyone you know are interested, I have eight total. They can be broken up into groups of three. I have three males and five females. They are prolific egg layers and enjoyable to have around.
I would prefer someone who could take the whole flock, in which case I would throw in the two sturdy,predator-proof cages,a months' worth of feed and various buckets, dishes etc.
This is a great opportunity to own a fine flock of feathered friends for free.

Contact me if you are interested and I will get you in touch with the right person.

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
~ Howard Thurman, African American mystic & activist