[Sdpg] Hard facts, please

Jim Miller jemiller at nethere.com
Tue Jan 28 10:35:01 PST 2003

I would appreciate URL's which contain highly technical, well researched content relative to:

1. Pest resistant plants.  What seeds product plants which have the greatest resistance to insects?  Where do I get them?  How well do the plants do in various soils, moisture, elevation, weather, etc.  How good are the fruits of the plants?  How much labor is involved?  What kind of and cost of equipment is involved?  How profitable are these plants and fruit if grown (a) certified organic, (b) non-certified organic (c) standard commercial?

2.  Beneficial insects.  What beneficial insects are there and to which plant pests do they relate? Where do I get them and how much do they cost?

3.  Family farms.  Are small family farms profitable?  Where are the stats which provide specific data?  Are there valid, actual case studies? Where?

4.  Methane.  Plans and specifications, material take-offs for a methane plant using animal wastes. Income and expense studies.  How is methane put to beneficial use on the farm?   Can it be compressed and sold the same as propane?  What kind of equipment, where do I get it and what does it cost?  

5.  Biofuel.  Does anyone know about and have good technical data regarding biofuel?  Has anyone actually made biofuel using transmethylization or transesterification of vegetable oils into biofuel?

6.  Technical resources.  Lists of coops, private or public orgs in the northwest which provide member services relative to: market trends, sales and transportation of produce; food preparation, processing and storage techniques and costs; State and Federal food safety and labeling issues; hydroponic vegetables; aquaculture, etc.

7.  Farmers' markets.  Are Farmers' Markets profitable for the small farmer?  Is the time and transportation cost worth it?  Why the limited operation in terms of days of the week and hours?  Many large cities have farmers' markets, usually with permanent stands, indoors, open by 6:00 a.m. and closing at 9: p.m.  Los Angeles Farmer's Market has been running for what, 60 years, seven days a week?  How well do the vendors in the Farmers' markets do in (a) upscale areas (b) median income areas (c) ghetto areas?

8. Pick-your-own.  Is "Pick-your-own" a viable part of  farm business?  How hard it is to get folks to come to the farm?  How much damage do they do relative to what the farmer gets for the items picked by the customers? How close to what sized city is the best for this type of operation?   I need hard facts, case studies.

8.  Sales to large buyers.  What success has anyone had selling farm direct to restaurants, institutions, schools, etc?

These grounds most likely have been covered many times by many researchers, some of whom have posted the results on the Web for all to read and understand.    Hopefully, one or more persons/orgs have complied a list of URL's which map the exact, complete and scientific route to actual test results and studies.   If not, then I will be compiling the list and will share it on the web.  Please email me your candidate URL's.  I have Googled a large number of sites relative to organic farming, farmsteads, farmers markets, permaculture, and other subjects.  My overview is that most sites are well-intentioned, but highly repetitive and very vague on specifics.  Seminars, books and articles are fine for the seller, but seldom are they specific or every hint that under the cover, very specific "how to" information is given.  I have yet find any URL, study or seminar devoted to a complete discussion of  the profitability of organic farming, permaculture, farmer's markets and coops.

Jim Miller
jemiller at nethere.net

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