[Sdpg] june 8th san fran eco-solutions convergence against biotech and global corporatization

terra_amore8 terra_amore8 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 17 12:54:38 PST 2004

hi all, i know this is long... it is a number of messages plus an attachment.  sign up for the listserve if you want to keep up and participate in this exciting movement.

Note: forwarded message attached. 
What is the "June 8 Mobilization"? The closest thing we may ever have to a Global Summit in SF is happening here in June when the BIO-TECH INDUSTRY descends upon the City. At the same time that the bio-tech industry is meeting in SF, the G8--that INFAMOUS GROUP OF EIGHT NATIONS led by the US, who run the world and whose policies, according to the UN, extinguish the lives of 19,000 children a day--is meeting on the EAST COAST on a private island off Georgia near Savannah. Organizers across the continent are making this an occasion to BUILD COALITIONS, UNITE OUR ISSUES, and SHOW OUR MASSIVE RESISTANCE to Corporate Control of Public Policy--from Energy, Water, and the World Food Supply to the Invasion & Occupation of Iraq, from the ruination of our natural resources and regional economies to the gutting of education & social programs, from the mass exportation of jobs & exploitation of workers to the burgeoning racist prison-industrial complex!!! We'll also use this opportunity to
 DEMONSTRATE SUSTAINABLE ALTERNATIVES to the Corporate Regime, starting with the GREENING OF SF in a series of massive, fun, and effective eco-actions and workshops aimed at getting us OFF THE CORPORATE GRID--from fossil fuels to factory farms. Creative neighborhood outreach, actions spotlighting community struggles, and a series of remarkable teach-ins that brings us all up-to-speed on each other's issues, local and global, and their solutions, are also in the works!!! Since the Bio-Tech Industry most imminently threatens the WORLD FOOD SUPPLY, there will also be special events focusing on FOOD SOVEREIGNTY, GMOs, & CORPORATE CONTROL OF THE WORLD FOOD SUPPLY! All this and more will build to a DAY OF MASSIVE DIRECT ACTION on June 8!!! At the same time that the bio-tech industry is meeting in SF, the G8--that INFAMOUS GROUP OF EIGHT NATIONS led by the US, who run the world and whose policies, according to the UN, extinguish the lives of 19,000 children a day--is meeting on the EAST
 COAST on a private island off Georgia near Savannah. 
Join the SF J8 Mobilization!!! ***Add your vision, creativity, and hard work to the mix to make this one of the most successful, MOVEMENT-BUILDING mobilizations ever!!!*** We have four months to lay the groundwork. No time to lose! To join the listserve, send an email to SF.June8-subscribe at lists.riseup.net  (the Web Site is coming soon!). To join a working group, contact the point-person below--or start your own! If you are in the area, come to the Bay Area Visioning and Organizing Meeting TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 7 PM, Black Cat Collective, 2852 Folsom (btw 24th & 25th Streets), SF.  ***BE PART OF 
Greetings, June 8 Organizers!
Following is the list of J8 working groups, descriptions, point people, and members to date. Members, please check in with your point-people so they have your contact info. Undoubtedly these groups/memberships are incomplete. If you are not included in the groups you want to be in, please email the point person of the group for inclusion; likewise, if you are in the wrong group, contact the point-person to drop out. If I have listed the wrong person as a point-person, please inform the list. If you wish to introduce a new working group or neighborhood council with you as the point person, please email the list with that info. If the people in your working group do not contact you, email Meddle (meddle at riseup.net) for their contact info (he has the master lists). If I got something wrong with the groupings, please let the list know.  
How to use these working groups: You should contact a group point person if you have info that group could use (like a great group to outreach to or a wealthy donor) or if you need something from that group (like money for a project or a speaker for your presentation)! Point-people should feel free to entice members of this list to join your group if you need the help--a LOT of people on this list have not signed up! It also might be a good idea for the point-person to call the first meeting of the working group, if that hasn't happened already!
Here goes...
June 8 Mobilization Working Groups
-FUNDRAISING. Raises the funds to pay for the mobilization, from passing the hat at meetings and events, to securing grants and cash or in-kind donations from groups, businesses, and individuals, to setting up fundraising events. Big-ticket items: Convergence Center, venues for teach-ins & forums, outreach materials, materials for special projects (art supplies, plants, etc), and so on. POINT-PEOPLE: Becky Tarbotton 250-389-1536 beckytarbotton at yahoo.com ; Maria (??? do not have contact info)  Members: Eileen, Riverwind, Starhawk, Meddle, Indigo, Lynn.
-CITY LIAISON. Interfaces with the Board of Supes (SF) or Council (Oakland) & City Depts, whenever needed, such as to get a resolution endorsing the Mobilization or a pre-emptive First Amendment rights guarantee! POINT-PERSON: Mary Bull (415-731-7924, chalicenew at earthlink.net ) Members: Tracy, Luna, & Steve.
-MESSAGING & MATERIALS. Creates the messaging and materials for the Mobilization, in particular the Outreach, Education, Media, and other working groups. Any outreach materials you may be producing on your own, you may want to run by this group for ideas, points of unity, etc. POINT PERSON: Eileen Rose (707-523-4304 eileenr at sonic.net ) Members: Paulina, Raj, Sam, Jared, Brian T, Doyle, Kori, Becky, Meddle, Riverwind, Stree, Mary, Erin.
-EDUCATION. Sets up teach-ins, forums, and a speakers bureau. (Sometimes includes trainings, but these have migrated to the Direct Action Working Group for this mobilization. I'm not sure where the roadshow falls at this point--I think it goes with trainings.) POINT-PERSON Brian Tokar briant at sover.net Members:Tracy, Erik, Daniel, Mary, Lynn, Kori, Riverwind, Amanda, David, Indigo, Pigeon Hawk.
-OUTREACH. Informs other groups and the general public about the mobilization and gets them involved! Activities include leafletting actions great and small, phoning, faxing, mailing, and emailing; soliciting endorsements, setting up presentations (drawing from Education's speakers bureau).  Designs and produces the LEAFLETS and other handouts. POINT-PERSON: Meddle (707-579-8911 meddle at riseup.net ) Members: Starhawk, Becky, Kori, Riverwind, Lucy, Mary, Brian T, Bee, Lina, Jared, Indigo, Pod, Brian S, Jen. 
-WEB SITE. Designs, sets up, and maintains the web site with input from Messaging. POINT PERSON: Eileen (707-523-4304 eileenr at sonic.net ).

-MEDIA. Develops a media/PR plan for the mobilization including setting up press conferences, interviews, etc. Creates a diverse list of media spokespeople for the mobilization, possibly drawing on the speakers bureau developed by the Education Working Group. Produces media plans for the major actions and events, including producing and distributing press releases and making follow-up calls. Responds to media calls. POINT-PERSON: Eileen Rose (707-523-4304 eileenr at sonic.net ) Members: Doyle, Brian T, Erin, Pod,  Riverwind, Stree, Kori, Mary.
-HOUSING & LOGISTICS. I think this group has subsumed the Coordination function. It coordinates housing, as well as major actions and events on a timeline, and provides help with venues. POINT-PERSON Lynn (707-694-1605 frodo at riseup.net ) Members: Jared.
-SPANISH. Develops Spanish-language versions of leaflets, other hand-outs, press releases, etc., as produced and/or needed. POINT-PERSON: Paulina Novo (pnovo at foodfirst.org ) Members: Ignacio, bee, jess, rosa, sam, ryan.

-DIRECT ACTION. Plans the mass direct actions. Trainings and Convergence Center also were migrated to this working group. SCENARIO POINT-PERSON: Eileen (707-523-4304 eileenr at sonic.net ) Members: Starhawk, Steve, Jess, Stree, Erik, Riverwind. TRAININGS POINT PERSON: Starhawk (415-640-5872 stella at mcn.org ) Members: Bee (First Aid beemedic2002 at yahoo.com); Amanda, Jared. CONVERGENCE-CENTER POINT PERSON: Starhawk . Members: Jess.
-MAJOR PROJECTS / ALTERNATIVES. These projects are about creating the better world we envision right along side he corporate-controlled, exploitative one. Many of these projects are part eco-action, part direct action! They function as positive outreach for the mobilization and demonstrate sustainable and community-generated solutions to basic needs and urban problems. POINT PERSON: Mary Bull (415-731-7924, chalicenew at earthlink.net ) 
--->GREENING THE CONVERGENCE CENTER! Green plant walls to mute the sound; gray-water systems, composting toilets, solar showers... Point-Person: Starhawk. Members: Stree, Riverwind, Beenie, Meddle, Erik, David.
--->A MOVEABLE ECO-VILLAGE FOR THE HOMELESS! Point-Person: Mary chalicenew at earthlink.net. Members: Abby, Lucy, Kori, Riverwind, Erik, Joan, Steve. Plus a bunch of off-list people with lots of enthusiasm but varying levels of availability, Please email me for a description of the project that we will use as a point of departure, if you haven't already read it!
--->MOVEABLE or Stationary PERMIE PLAYGROUND(s)! We haven't actually discussed this as a group, but I envision giant topiary-like (cobb?) dinosaurs and other animals that redefine 'jungle gym' and that become soft & moss-covered with age, labyrinths that delight and challenge, border plants full of nummy edible berries and fruits, and so on. I also see encouraging the kids in the neighborhoods we visit to help make them! Point-Person: Meddle meddle at riseup.net. Members: Beenie, Kori, Micaela, Charity, Mary.
--->CITY REPAIR / RECLAIMING PUBLIC SPACES! Wildly beautifying intersections and bus stops with giant colorful mandalas painted on the asphalt, cobb benches, wind-breaks, gardens, tea stations, etc.  Point-Person: Mary chalicenew at earthlink.net. Members: Crispin, Riverwind, Kori, Starhawk, Eileen, Steve, Micaela, David.
--->GUERRILLA GARDENING! Transforming medians, vacant lots, public parks, gardens, and fountains into edible forests, aquatic gardens, etc! Begin propagating now! Point-Person: Steve (?) 415-726-7364 turtle74 at riseup.net  Members: Stree.
--->ALTERNATIVES FAIR (Organic Farmers Market? Arrestable Seed Exchange? Really Free Market?). NEEDS POINT PERSON!!!
--->COMMUNITY ACTIONS. June 8-supported actions that focus on community struggles, as suggested by local  communities with whom we are building coalitions. Point-Person: Mary. chalicenew at earthlink.net
--->ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE "Clinic". Herbs, acupuncture, homeopathy, body work, community health initiatives, as well as street first-aid for protestors. Point-Person: Bee beemedic2002 at yahoo.com. Members: David.
****Others who want to be part of this working group, who did not specify a project: Rosa, Jess, Jared. ****
NEIGHBORHOOD COUNCILS. These are groups that coordinate various aspects of the June 8 mobilization, such as outreach, education, and actions, in their neighborhood!
--->Mission District, SF. Point-Person: Rosa de Anda (?) 415-864-1450 rosadeanda at earthlink.net  Members: Starhawk.
--->Lower Haight, SF. Point-Person: Yaffa 415-861-7923  yaffayaffayaffa at hotmail.com 
--->Bay View Hunters Point, SF. Point-Person: Kevyn Lutton 415-822-2744 kevyn11 at yahoo.com 
--->Lake Merrit, Oak. Point-Person: Luna Pantera  763-3910 lunastouch at yahoo.com 

...How could these have fallen through the cracks?!
-Massive Plant Give-Away!!! (goes under special projects/alternatives). This is modelled after the 100 cherry bushes we gave away in the Overtown section of Miami--it was awesome, the responses we got from people!!! Not sure who's bottomlining--there was a lot of Green Bloc interest. Contact me if you want to help!
-Sustainable Bay View Hunters Point Showcase!!! (goes under special projects/alternatives). This is a newbie that came to me during a CPUC meeting. City Hall has been Sitting On the solar Initiative SF voters passed over two years ago. So, I'd like to find a BVHP residence or business who would be willing to undergo a sustainable re-model, from solar panels to edible roof garden, rain catchments--the whole ball of wax! Get the funding through foundations, and use it as a model to get MORE FUNDING to do an entire neighborhood--or the entire District, beyond June 8. We'd employ neighborhood residents in the project (stacking functions), since unemployment is one of the primary problems in the district. Then we'll dismantle the BVHP PG&E power-plant, piece by piece as part of the unveiling ceremony (stacking functions).
Also, under the Greening of the Convergence Center, we had wanted to offer alternative transportation: BICYCLE TAXIS--how fun!--and the like! Anyone want to bottomline?
Whew! Done!
Many of us are spreading ourselves a bit thin in four and five groups--there's bound to be some early fall-out. All of these groups need more people--some more than others!--and there are many people on this list who have not joined a group. Levels of involvement can vary--all help is much appreciated! So, please do sign up! And, of course, we need to continue recruiting off list!
Hi all,
The following 2 working group listservs have been created. If you consider yourself to be in one of these working groups or would like to work in them please subscribe yourself to the appropriate listserv. If you have difficulties subscribing, please contact me at: eileenr at sonic.net. Info and directions follow for each working group:
This listserv will be used for the June 8 San Francisco Mobilization (against the Biotech Convention and the in solidarity with the anti-G8 mobilization June 8 - 10). Messaging working group focus: Messaging group to articulate the messaging (key themes, tone, talking points, etc.) for the June 8 2004 Mobilization in SF. Working with other working groups: It is key for the messaging group to communicate with the web site, flyering and outreach working groups (on messaging). After messaging is firmed up, it needs to handed off to the appropriate working groups. People in the messaging group may also want to work in other groups. 
send an email with your name in the body/text to: sf.j8.messaging-subscribe at lists.riseup.net or visit the sf.j8.messaging homepage and subscribe there at: 

This list will be used for the web site working group who is designing, implementing and maintaining the web site for the June 8 Biotech mobilization in San Francisco. It will be used as a private working group discussion and organizing list only for this group, only for the web site reclaimthecommons.net. 
send an email with your name in the body/text to: sf.june8.website-subscribe at lists.riseup.net or visit the sf.june8.website homepage and subscribe there at: 
Any questions please contact me. 
eileenr at sonic.net

Everyone does outreach every time they talk to someone else about this mobilization.  The idea of the outreach team is to make sure everyone hears about it, and that we all don't spend all our time contacting the same group over and over...The idea for going forward is to have one person be the bottomliner for each general category.  That person is in charge of keeping track of groups that need to be contacted and groups that have been contacted.  As people think of a group or opportunity in a given category (i.e. the march 19th protests as anti-war outreach or Cal GE-free for GMO outreach) they can pass that onto the bottomliner, and the bottomliner will be able to tell them whether or not that group’s been contacted already.  Additionally, if someone wants to help with outreach, they can go to the bottomliner and see what groups haven't been contacted.The various bottomliners will be posted online so that folks can contact them. IF YOU CAN BE A BOTTOMLINER...for either a general
 category (like community or labor) or a specific area (like anti-globalization activists or organic farm workers), please let me know.  i've volunteered to be the overallbottom-liner/keeper-of-the-outreach-record.peace -- meddleOutreach areas:COMMUNITY – groups defined only by a shared point of view or political stance.BiowarfareAnti-globalization activistsAnti-globalization organizationsIndymedia sitesAnarchistsAPOC (Anarchist People Of Color)Environmental racism groupsDisabled communitySympathetic right-wingOakland hip-hop communityG8 in georgia organizersNative americansAnti-war groups"End corporate personhood" groupsKucinich and Dean peopleBoston DNC organizersArtistsImmigrants rights groupsSF biking communityHomeless communityEducation not incarceration organizersInterfaithForest activists (GE trees…)FOODAnti-GMO groupsOrganic farmersOrganic farm workersSmall farm growersNatural, organic or health food co-opsAnti-food irradiation effortsFarmer’s marketsHEALTHQueer
 pharmaceutical activist communityPharmaceutical/medical activist community in generalMedical marijuana peopleFood not bombsPeople affected by Dow and MonsantoALTERNATIVES/SOLUTIONSBiodiesel co-opsLocal currencyPermaculturistsAlt. TechnologyAlt. HealingAlt. energyLABORFarm workers in generalLabor in general (dockworkers, SEIU)UFW (fields are being sprayed with these chemicals)NEIGHBORHOODSBayview/ Hunter’s PointThe MissionSmall businessesNeighborhood outreach in generalEDUCATIONBerkeleyHigh schoolsBerkeley biotech graduate program participantsLocal PTAs



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