[Sdpg] Community Land Trusts (CLTs) for San Diego - reading group

Colin Leath cleath at j9k.org
Tue Jan 2 15:45:51 PST 2007

If you would be interested in reading about and discussing together
how to establish community land trusts in San Diego, please let me

My goals in learning about this are, in the long run (I expect this
will change, but this is the vision that got me excited), to establish
a land trust that restricts land use to residents who do not use cars
(or something along those lines).

In the meantime I'd like to work with any other group to learn about
the process. We could, for example, help activist collectives get on
land trust land. Or set up a general access affordable housing type

I don't know what I'm talking about yet, but if you'd like to learn
along with me, let me know! One of us may set up an email discussion
list in that case.

Below are some links.

My first step will be reading through
and maybe:
_Urban Wilds: Gardener's Stories Of The Struggle For Land And Justice_

I already have David Harper of http://www.landincommon.org/ as a
long-distance collaborator -- one of his emails is below.

My larger vision is that our work would be part of something like
sarvodaya for San Diego-- sarvodaya.org or wikipedia have a bit more
on that.

Lois Arkin of the LA Ecovillage first pointed me toward land trusts.
Then in the book _Better Together_ I read the story of the Dudley
Street Neighborhood Initiative-- a CLT that has the power of eminent

Let me know! If you're more concerned about farms than housing and
lawns, we can work together too.

There are already a few land conservancies in SD we should probably work with.

For any sort of permaculture or long term earth-care the land should
be held by a trust or by a government that shares the "earth-care,
people-care, recycle surplus to those ends" ethic.

http://j9k.org/pc (TJ/SD permaculture gathering)








Harper's email:

Subject: the commons


Great news that you're moving ahead on the CLT concept -- my calling
is definitely geared toward expanding the network of commons.  I'm
working with a Green Village group in Philadelphia looking at the
possibility of setting up a CLT for their mixed-use
live/work/garden/education project.  Also speaking on the topic at an
Environmental Justice conference this March in Washington DC. -- that
talk is about a rural CLT in the mountain top removal coal fields of
eastern Tennessee (Woodland CLT).

If you haven't checked it out, the three other key organizations
dealing with CLT's are: Equity Trust (www.equitytrust.org), Institute
for Community Economics (www.iceclt.org), and Lincoln Institute for
Land Policy (www.lincolninst.edu).

I'd love to compare notes on your progress.  My work at this point is
focused on developing and delivering PowerPoint talks at various
conferences, writing articles (and possibly a book similar to Urban
Wilds: Gardeners Stories of the Struggle for Land and Justice
(http://www.akpress.org/2002/items/urbanwilds).  Also traveling to
meet with different ecovillages, CSA farms, CLT's.



PS -- this is my new email address/website

D a v i d  H a r p e r  LAND IN COMMON
837 Stively Road
Strasburg, Pennsylvania  17579

cell: 610.246.4535  office: 717.786.0900
email: david at landincommon.org   website: www.landincommon.org

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