[Scpg] Sustainable World Radio Program KCSB 91.9/Fridays 9am April 1

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Thu Mar 31 07:56:02 PST 2005

NEXT PROGRAM FRI  April 1 on  Monte Vista's School's Orchard Planting with 
Common Vision

Jill Cloutier, Suzanne Cloutier and Kevin Childerley have created an hour long
radio program focused on sustainability & permaculture, and creative solutions
to environmental and social problems.

Look for them on alternating Fridays, 9-10 am, on KCSB 91.9 FM.  Or if unable
to hear them live you can download the program from the KCSB
website(www.kcsb.org), and in the very near future, from the Santa Barbara
Permaculture website (www.sbpermaculture.org).

The program has humor, music, and enviromental news program "As the
SustainableWorld Turns" and more. Please tune in and support our own local, 
media, non profit radio station KCSB 91.9, and now more specifically,
Sustainable World Radio.

Please submit news to Jill Cloutier Sustainable World Radio 
<sustainableworldradio at earthlink.net> next program Friday April 15

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