[Scpg] Permaculture on TV "Gardening by the Yard," HGTV,

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Mon Jul 11 21:50:45 PDT 2005

Last year I was filmed for a segment of "Gardening by the Yard," a popular
show on HGTV, at a permaculture site in Eugene called Dharmalaya. We
demonstrated a few basic Pc ideas and techniques. HGTV just told me that
they are going to air the segment this weekend. The show will be in
Saturday, July 16th at 11:30am (or 8:30am depending on your cable provider,
make sure to check your local listings). I don't have cable, but the network
will be sending me a tape of it. The segment is only about 7 minutes, but
hey, it's permaculture on national TV!

Toby Hemenway

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